Monday, November 18, 2013

Guyver Development Back to GM 8.1

Well, I have ran into a few minor problems with the Guyver game development. For the transition from one room to the next, I want there to be a fade-out and fade-in kind of effect. If anyone has played Captus, you'll know what I'm talking about. For Game Maker 8.1, it was built into the program; making it easier for me. However, this is not the case for Game Maker: Studio. From what I have read, GM: Studio did away with a few effects to make it possible to develop on other systems. That's fine, it's actually a good idea. But some of those effects are things I really want in my games.

 So what do I do in this situation? Well, YoYo Games still have Game Maker 8.1 up for sale on their website. This surprised me; I could have sworn that they said that GM 8.1 was no longer being supported. Nevertheless, I downloaded it to my computer. I kinda prefer this over Studio anyways. So now, the Guyver video game is going to continue it's development in Game Maker 8.1.

 But I want to get out there right now: once the Guyver is finished with development, I'll be using Studio as my main development kit. While I had Studio, I messed around with it and thought it was actually pretty cool. It's not the greatest thing in the world, but I think if the proper work is put into it, it can do some awesome stuff.

 Right now I'm making a new game engine for Studio. I'm hoping to harvest the best things from the Out of Control engine (the engine I'm using to make the Guyver with, based off more than five engines) and the skills from Captus to make this new engine. Next month I'll probably share with you my plans for what this engine will be used for.

But yeah, Guvyer development is returning to Game Maker 8.1. When the demo is out, I'll make a post about it. More than likely, that's what my next blog post will be about.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Midnight Realm Review

Halloween is always a fun day, especially is you are a wild teenager. Sure it's fun for kids to go trick-or-treating, while adults have parties (I think...), but teenagers are the reason why "trick" is in "trick-or-treat". However, for Jeremy, our protagonist in Midnight Realm, is boring. His idea of a fun time on Halloween is staying in his room, playing video games. I'm a huge gamer and will most likely spend my Halloween the same way. What makes it interesting for Jeremy, is that a spirit comes to him in hopes to change his views on Halloween. From here, the actual game begins. More often than not, you will be reading text. The only other elements of gameplay you will face is this board with tons of colors on it. From there, it becomes a clicking mayhem.

This was the first thing I noticed. There are not many graphics used in this game, other than the backgrounds, character drawings, and the little spheres that you click on. But what is shown of them, is beautiful. My mouth dropped when I saw how good the characters looked. I was impressed. As an artist myself, I can't imagine how much work this guy put into making the art. And since the art is about 80% of the game, I give that a 5 out of 5. The only other thing to comment on are the little spheres, which are pretty good. It's nothing groundbreaking, but it's rather well made. The game is visually gorgeous.

What was heard of the sound was enjoyable. When the opening screen came up, the music playing was fitting. I really liked it. But as I played the game, I heard something. A used song. From Final Fantasy VII. It got me thinking, how much of the music was actually used? I didn't think too much on that and just went with the flow. It did eventually give the places where the music was gathered. Maybe I'll have to check it out sometime. Nevertheless, the sound effects wasn't anything too amazing. Like the hitting sounds. Sure they fit for the attacks, but like I said, it wasn't too amazing. But the sound effects get the job done, which is all I could ask for.

The biggest part for any game is the gameplay. For Midnight Realm's gameplay... It was ok? I mean I wasn't bored at once while playing the game, but I knew what was coming. First we talk to some demon who is holding a mark, some even willing to give it to you without a fight, but somehow you will be forced to fight the guy. Once you enter a battle, a crap load of colorful spheres will fall onto a board. You will then need to click on certain colors to boost certain stats for your character to fight. Before you even get to this point, you get to choose what class you want to be in. That was a neat touch, with the choice of your class comes the choice of you powers. But the character does the fighting by himself, while all you're doing is keeping him well enough to fight. And you do this over and over and over again until you win the game. It gets old fast, but it's pretty entertaining.

As an artist, gamer developer, and a story writer, the first thing I get excited about when it comes to anything is the story behind it. Midnight Realm follows the boredom of Jeremy, who is just sitting in his room, playing games on Halloween night. When out of nowhere, the Spirit of Halloween comes up and takes you to something similar to Hell. But it's not. It a place where creatures of the night roam, where no sign of life is found for miles, not even a single human is there and when a human is spoken about, the creatures speak about his/her death... Ok, it's Hell. But your goal is to get out of there. Jeremy compares the whole thing to a video game and chooses his class. He then journeys to beat up any creature that has a mark. However, it is revealed to Jeremy that most of these creatures don't want to fight. Coming to the conclusion that they are being mind controlled, Jeremy finds the one who is behind it all. After kicking his butt, the creature tells you that it's all the Spirit of Halloweens fault. And before you can leave by using the power of the marks you collected, the Spirit of Halloween fights you. Once you win, you go home, with the moral of that Halloween can be fun, you just have to make it so. The story to me seems... predictable. It was a good story, don't get me wrong. But it doesn't seem to be that great. At least to me.

Something I really like about this game is it's interface. Everything runs smooth for this game and works nicely. I honestly have no complaints for this game's interface.

Midnight Realm is far from perfect, obviously. But does that make it a bad game? No, not at all. Midnight Realm is a great Halloween game with plenty of good things inside of it. I had my complaints, but they were rather small. The biggest complaints I had was it's story and gameplay, but I was not at once bored with the game. I say it's worth playing. If for anything, it's art. I mean, just look at anything Anaryu, the game's developer, has in his game selection. I don't know if the art is done by him or someone he knows, but I am impressed. Perhaps I'll review another game of his in the near future, like Lux Licentia. That game looks amazing. But as for Midnight Realm, I say it's a good once in a while game to play.

STORY: 3/5
OVERALL: 3.5/5

Download: Midnight Realm

Friday, October 25, 2013

New Review Layout

 If you haven't noticed yet, I made two new posts that each held a review. What I'm doing is making room on my "Review" page. If you click on the Review tab, it'll only have the first paragraph to the review, with an option to take you to the full review. I personally think this is easier to do, because it takes less room. No on wants to scroll on a page with seven full reviews just to find out about on game. Instead it's smaller and easier to get to. Let me know your thoughts and feelings about this change in the comments.

 I have a new review in the works, which is one of the reasons why I made this change. The game I'm reviewing is short game called "Midnight Realm". It's pretty fun, but I did have a few problems with it. The review should be up tomorrow.

 I don't really have anything too important to say about the Guyver video game that's currently in development.If it's anything real small, then you can view the information on my Twitter page.

Love Nightmare Review

On YoYo Games, you can find all kinds of games, but it's not often you find original and entertaining games. The Love Nightmare really does a good job at being original and entertaining. With the simple goal of gathering hearts, the only challenges you'll face are spikes on the walls and spinning spikes. With 25 levels and each one harder than the last... I can only describe it as IRRITATING. But that's not to say it's a bad game, I actually like it. But it took me hours to beat. It really makes me wonder how many people actually beat it. I mean I was about to quit by level 15, but once I beat that, I was about to do the same on level 18. After a couple of hours of rest, I beat it. But then I felt like quitting on level 20. I'm glad I didn't because I did beat the game, but if I felt those feelings more than once, who is to say that others didn't just go with those feelings? If you ever play it, just give it time. If anything, this game is a game of patience.

Something about this game really shows you that simple graphics can be the best. Love Nightmare shows off these really beautiful/colorful graphics, but if you examine them long enough, you'll see that they are just simple sprites. When playing the game, you see that the screen is all shaky. At first I thought it was a glitch, but if you think about the story real fast, you'll know that the character is in a dream. So this plays on the fact that dreams are vivid. So you take control of a ball in a dark room. Some light comes off the character, so really that's the only thing you'll be able to see. It's not much, but it gives a nice feeling to the game. I really like the graphics. It takes what is simple and makes it great.

This is what helped me a lot in the game: music. The music in this game is nice and calm, which later turns pretty epic. The game only has one song, but it's a good song that is very catchy. I don't really get tired of listening to it. If you (toadfrogs) ever plan to put this song up for download, I would totally get it! But anyways, other sounds in this game are very simple sounds, like a small, low beat when you collect a heart and "pew" sound when you die. Every time I collect a heart I feel so relieved, only to have it ruined by the sound of death. It really bothers me at times, but on level 24, when you reach the top of the level and there are just so many hearts, I was in heaven. Relief has never felt so great!

This is the irritating part. Though the gameplay to this game is very smooth and fun, if you make just one mistake, you lose the level. It really gets hard by level 18. I wasn't ready for that level and I ended up dying like 45 times before I could finish it. When playing this game, the only buttons you will need are the arrow keys. Simple enough and easy too! By pressing up, the gravity will pull you up. Same with down, except the gravity pulls you down. This really gets fun after a while, but then come the levels that expect you to fly. By carefully pressing up and down, you'll stay in the air. Not that hard, you actually look like a ghost at times. The only problem with this is that you have to be PERFECT at it. If you mess up, you'll have to start the level all over. This really gets painful when you collected all the hearts except one. That happened to me a lot on level 20. But if you stop and examine the level, you'll have a better chance at beating it. That's where the game really makes you, the player, really think. I like that about this game. A lot of games need to make you think so that it's like you are in the game. Really cool. For me, in order to pass a lot of levels, I had to die like, 25 times. That isn't cool, but maybe you can do better? Overall, the gameplay is really good. It's you as a player that has to make the right choice.

The story for this game is a little weird. In the beginning it tells you that you’re a guy who can't get a date for his life, but when you do, it totally sucks. Needless to say, the character's life probably isn't that great. To make things worse, it's Singles Awareness Day- I mean Valentine's Day. So this means that the guy's first ever date sucked on Valentine's Day. I feel a little bad for him. But what ends up happening is that you fall asleep and you have a dream about the place that no one has ever managed to escape. So you'll have to be the first. Unless, you quit during the game, then you're just a quitter. If you do live to the end, the game tells you that your date sucked, but there are still plenty of fish in the sea. This gives the character hope. Let's cross out fingers that he won't have this dream again if his date sucks.

Everything here is good. Games on YoYo Games really do need a good interface, which this game does. Maybe it'll rub off on other games.

So after beating the game, I was very, very happy. Love Nightmare is a great and fun game that has its fair share of flaws, but perhaps that's a good thing. When something has flaws, that means there is room for improvement. The game can only get better from here. Thank you toadfrogs for giving us gamers a great game to play. If you are a hardcore gamer, then this game might not be for you. If you are a casual gamer, then you'll love this. To be honest, I don't know why this game was never put on a tablet or a phone. It seems like my ideal game for those kinds of platforms. This developer has a lot of talent and I'm excited to see what else he will bring to the table.

SOUND: 4/5
STORY: 3/5

Download: Love Nightmare

Shooting Star Seven -BETA- Review

After downloading this and seeing that it was made with Game Maker Lite (I assume because of the "Created With Game Maker" in the top left corner), I didn't expect much from this. But after playing it, I was astonished to see that it was nothing like I expected. The character and enemies moved nice and smooth, while beautiful music playing in the background. The character, Amy, looks very nice, as do all the graphics. Amy has two guns that can be modified into shooting fire blasts and lasers, which comes in handy when fighting beasts with cannons as hands.

Talking more about the graphics, I am just blown away. Not even 3D games (some, at least) here on YoYo Games look as beautiful as this game. It really reminds me of games for the Sega Genesis and that's saying something. So far my games look like something from the Atari 2600. Another thing that I love about it's style is the look of anime. I'm an Otaku (and proud!), so I'm really loving this. If this is just a demo, I can only imagine what the full game will look like. It'll be a thing of beauty.

The music in this game really fits the feel. It sounds like a classic show that you would see on TV. But the sound for the weapons is what really gets me. They sound wonderful, like from a Si-Fi movie. The sound that the robots/monsters make sometimes make me laugh, but by stage four, it's relieving to hear it. The fact that the monster is dead makes me yell in glory! GO AMY!!

Even though I gave this a 4/5, that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it. Really, it's my fault. I played this about seven times today and I keep messing up some of the controls. That's just a personal thing and I'm sure I'll get over it. Anyways, I found it very helpful that the double jump in this game was also a special attack. In stage two when you have to jump all the way to the top, enemies were waiting for you and the double jump really helped me with getting pass them. My only complaint about the gameplay is the fact that so MANY eneimes just come out of no where. It really gets bother some when you are at one Health Point and jumping around shooting like crazy. The only thing I would want in this game is the little "head" that is meant to be a 1UP. I keep getting killed and even though you can just restart the level if you die, it wouldn't hurt to have an extra life in there.

It's not really fair to give it a 1/5 or a 5/5 because it has no story in the demo, so I just left it with a 3/5. As I'm playing this game, I keep thinking on what the story will be like; maybe Shootingstar Seven is a team and they are either hired heroes or just modern day super heroes. I don't know, but what I do know is that if the music and graphic sytle fit together as a classic look, we'll most likely get a story that fits in too. I'll rate that when we actually get a story. Going off what I think just doesn't count.

Everything looks in tip-top shape. I'm impressed with how it all works. I hope to see more games like this in future.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and this is just beautiful in my eyes. I love how it looks, feels, and I just really want to see the full game soon. I have an art page online, I feel like drawing Amy and a few of the monsters. Kyropim, you gave us gamers a dream that we have had for years, now we just want the dream to be complete. I am definitely a fan of Shootstar Seven.

SOUND: 5/5
STORY: 3/5

Download: Shooting Star Seven

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Future Projects

 The Guyver video game is close to getting it's first demo, which hopefully screenshots will be uploaded this weekend. I know I haven't updated in a while, but I've just had so much work to do outside of video game development. Time just keeps on going and I can't seem to keep up with it. But I'm not going to let that stop my progress and goals. The Guyver video game is my main project and will remain that way for the rest of the year.

 Now, as I develop the game, I can't help but think of the future. What new games will I have after Guyver? I try not to think about it, so I won't talk about it much. However, I have two new ideas that I want to reveal once the Guyver game gets on a good pace. As a developer I want to explore new ways of playing. So with that said, I hope that my next two games will be enjoyable. I'm uncertain if I'll have interest of these concepts when the time comes to reveal them, but I do hope that you will all like them.

 Until then, I'm going to work on the Guyver. I expect the Guyver game to be on a good pace with development by next month, with new screenshots available whenever they are finished. It's going to be an exciting time for sure!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Guyver Video Game Q&A 1

Q: What inspired you to make a Guyver video game?

A: I have always wanted to make a Guyver video game, but I'll admit that it wasn't the first thing to pop into my mind when I got GameMaker. I was a fan of the Guyver ever since I was just a kid, my brother had shown the movies and the original anime to me. As I grew older and made my jump into the video game world, I noticed that there has NEVER been a Guyver video game. I didn't know how such a thing could be, I mean it has an awesome fan base, an epic story, and some of the best action I have ever seen. When I got my copy of the GameMaker engine, I made my first game: Brick Survival. It wasn't really anything, but I liked it. I showed to my family and my friends, who all liked it, except for my brother. He told me that he will not be impressed until I made a Guyver video game. I then made it my personal goal to make a Guyver game, but it slowly turned into something that tons of people want. It made me smile and now I work to make the game for the fans. If it does well enough, maybe the word will get out and a real big developer will make a better game than the one I'm making, but I'm not getting my hopes up on that.

Q: Guyver has been in development for a long time now, can you explain why that is?

A: Because I was stupid. Or mistaken. It took me about two or fours days to make Brick Survival, which I was proud of. It took me about a week to make Brick Survival 2, which was much better in my mind. I thought making a side-scroller game would take just two or so weeks, so I told everyone when the Guyver game was in development that it'll be out in just a few weeks. A lot of people were looking forward to it, but I ran into a huge problem; I didn't know what I was doing. It's a real long story from there, but I made an engine as a guide to success. Now things should be very smooth.

Q: What do you hope out of the Guyver game?

A: Not much, really. I mean, I want a good game that the fan base can enjoy for a while, but if I know people like I think I do, they won't enjoy it for long. Don't get the wrong idea, I expect the game to look and feel amazing, but with what people are able to do now with game engines, what I'm doing is rather small. My biggest hope is that the fan base will accept my game until a big one is made on consoles of PCs. 

Q: Tell us about about your Guyver idea, is it original or based around the anime/manga?

A: It's original, but I have heard from the fans that they really want to see Zoanoids from the anime in the game. It'll take some real hard work, but I want to see that too. But yes, the game will mostly be original.

Q: What exactly is original about the game?

A: Well first of all, the game takes place in America. Second, the main character is a new character that I made (Jason Ryder) and will interact with an original cast of characters. Third, the game will feature my own Zoanoid creations for the sake of speeding up game development. And lastly, the story will be breathtaking. It'll have the same elements from the original Guyver show and manga, with a young boy finding a Guyver unit by chance and fighting against Chronos. Though the story will have that Guyver feeling to it, it'll have a lot of original points in there.

Q: What about the music?

A: The music is being supported by the official "Guyver: The Bioboosted Armor" soundtrack. Meaning, most of the music you have heard already, but it'll fit surprisingly well with the game. I got the opening theme from the anime as the theme for the title screen and it gave my chills when I first witnessed it. However, music takes a lot of space in the GameMaker engine, so some songs might be used for other levels. 

Q: You released the engine you were using in a game form on Christmas for a short time, will you ever release that again?

A: Eeeehhhh... I'm not too sure. I'm proud of the engine, but it was never intended to be a playable game. I prefer you wait for the demo.

Q: Speaking of demo, are we going to get a Guyver demo anytime in the near future? 

A: Yes, but I don't want to give any dates due to my bad history with them. If development continues the way it's going, we should get a demo very soon. It'll feature the first 15 minutes or so of the game. But I want the demo to have surprise at the end, so it might take a little longer. We'll see.

Q: You said in the past that you wanted to make a comic book for Captus. Are you planning on making a comic or a manga for the Guyver video game.

A: I would be lying if I said I haven't thought about it.The thing is, I wanted to make a profit from the Captus comic book. If I were to every make a manga of the Guyver video game, it would be totally free. But if I were to do one, I think I would want it to take place after the Guyver game, as the Captus comic would just be the story retold in a comic form.

Q: Many fans of the Guyver have heard you that you are making a game and wanted to know if the game is going to have a price?

A: No. I actually have people come up to me online and ask this question, and I always tell them that it will not cost them anything. This is something that we all wanted, so I'm not going to make you pay for it. Besides, if I did have a price on it, I could get in some serious trouble due to Guyver copyrights.

Q: Are we going to see any concept art, developer diaries, etc. from the Guyver game?

A: I have a few pictures in mind, not so much for the developer diaries. If you want to hear information early, it might be a good idea to go to my Twitter page and follow me there. Don't be afraid if I don't say something right away or if I talk about other projects I'm working on, I will still have information about my video games. 

Q: You recently said that you were going to make a move from the GameMaker 8.1 engine to the GameMaker: Studio engine. What are your views about the power of "Studio"?

A: I'm going to try it out later next week, but right now I don't see a need to make such a move. However, YoYo Games insists on trying to force this change on us developers. I made a post about my views, but if I look at it in a positive way, it could really help the Guyver game development. I mean YoYo Games said that it works 80% faster than the program I am using. I'm curious by this power, but right now I'm not convinced. I'll probably make a new post about it if it actually impresses me.

Q: If it works as well as it says, when do you think we can see the Guyver video game?

A: I can't say, but it would be a whole lots faster than what I would say. If you're trying to get a release date out of me, then I'm sorry, I can't tell you that either. But there might be something about the release date later with the Guyver demo. Just saying...

Q: After the Guyver video game is complete, what are your plans?

A: Well, I'm turning most of my focus on comics, if anyone has noticed by my tweets. But I suppose I will continue my work as an indie game developer and make new games with the newer GM: Studio program. I have had a lot of thoughts about what I could do next, but I'm going to wait until the Guyver video game is finished  before I say what those thoughts are.

Q: Any last words to the Guyver fan base?

A: Thanks a ton for your support! I know I'm not the best guy for this job, but I'm a Guyver fan and I really want to see a game made. I want to bring it to you as soon as possible. If you can give me just a little more time, I promise the game will be yours soon. Be sure to stay updated on my Twitter and the blog for more information and I will deliver it to you soon. 

Friday, August 2, 2013

Moving Game Development to GameMaker: Studio

It's been a long time since I last updated on the blog. Much has happened and I'm sure you want to know more about the Guyver video game. Well, starting tomorrow, I'll be giving my first Q&A for the Guyver video game! This will answer a lot of questions that I got from the Guyver fan base and I'll provide a few more interesting information bits here and there for the Q&A. But the reason why I'm making this particular blog post is because of YoYo Games' announcement.

YoYo Games came out yesterday and said that anyone with GameMaker 7 and 8(.1) should move to the newer GameMaker: Studio. "Studio" is supposedly faster and stronger than GM 8.1, which is what I have been using for the past few years and the main engine for the Guyver. For those who have GM 7, 8, or 8.1 can go buy GM: Studio Standard for $9.99. This isn't too bad for some people, but it kinda ticked me off.

Let me explain: I paid a lot of money to get GameMaker 8 and then moved over to 8.1 for free, cool. But when YoYo Games comes out and says that you should move to the "Studio", otherwise you will not be able to move GameMaker to other computers. They worded better than I did, but the message is still the same. I really didn't want to get GM: Studio until I finished the Guyver game and when I had enough money for the Professional package, which is $100. But being forced to move is something that makes me a little upset and kind of sad. I mean I don't get the great stuff right away and if I actually want that great stuff, I need to go buy it at full price.

The important thing it comes down to is this: will I be making this move? Yes, I will. But once the Guyver game is done, I want to find a newer engine that I can make games on. If you have any ideas on what could be better than GameMaker, let me now. I might just use it for my next game.

And don't forget to check the blog tomorrow for the Guyver Q&A! I'll do my best to have the 15 top questions that I get. If you have any other questions you want to ask me, leave a comment below. Thanks everyone!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Guyver Status Update

I wanted to make a quick update about how the Guyver game has been going. You'll be happy to know that the levels have been selected for the game, coming out to a total of 16 unique levels. The story is near complete, but there is still room for future levels. As of right now, the game is estimated to be around 3 hours long, which is something I can deal with, but I'm looking into making it twice as long. It most likely will be 3 hours, but we'll see.

I'm sorry I wasn't able to bring out any screenshots today. My sister was taken into the hospital earlier this week for kidney failure and I had to go check on her every so often. Because of this, progress on the Guyver game hasn't been too high, but I'll try to bring you screenshots and more info when it's ready. Thank you and I hope you're excited for the game!

Monday, April 15, 2013

What's Next: The Guyver Game

 I want to speak to you all concerning what happens now that I finished Captus. As most of you know, one of the biggest appeals when I was talking about Captus was the fact you could choose other characters. That hasn't changed, you will be able to play as those characters soon. But the thing I wanted to talk about the most is the Guyver video game that has been in small bits of development until earlier this year. Earlier this year I said that the game would be in full blown development. It is, but with the development of Captus, it was hard to do some serious development on the Guyver game. Now that Captus is finished, I'm going to be putting the Guyver first in development.

 Let's clear up some stuff with Captus before we go on. Right now you can play the Warrior's story, but the other characters will be playable in the near future. Just to remind you, the extra characters that will be added will be the Archer, the Mage, and the Smith. Each character will have something unique about the story. For the Warrior, the ending involved leaving in open for a "what happened" kind of story. Others will have something different, maybe even a different ending. Also, I will be making adjustments to the game that I see fit. I'll talk to the creator of the game and see what he wants added to the game. But as far as I'm concerned, I am finished with Captus. I will spend a small amount of time trying to get it to be better, but most of my time is going into the Guyver game.

 As far the Guyver game, I am ready to take it on! It's been hard to get Guyver time in there, but now that Captus is finished, I can put as much time in there as I want. And this time, I will not be pulling your leg with release dates. There is no reason too. I can give you a ton of reasons for why I gave so many release dates to Captus, but they can all be summed up by the fact that I was in a different league of development. As for the Guyver, it's basically and action platform game. Behind every one's back, I have developed things like this. Heck, at one point I made a game where you play as blocks and try to shoot red blocks. It was rather simple, I made it in about a day or two. As everyone knows, I made a super engine that is powered by five other engines and soon to be more. In a nutshell, that super engine in the Guyver game. Which means I need to add more elements to it.
Guyver's New Title Screen

 Development on the Guyver game has never been stronger than what it is right now. Like I said months ago, I want to start updating in different ways. I want to start putting up concept art of characters. I want to start putting up development videos so you kids can see what I'm really doing with the game's development. There is so much that I could do! Until I can get those kinds of updates sorted out, I'm just going to stick with these kinds of updates. Now with the creation of the game, I want to hear for you as the Guyver Fanbase. Tell me what you want to see in this game. I have added what I want to see in the story and gameplay, but if you want something that might make the game even better, then shout it out! Don't whisper, don't talk to your dog, and don't think it, because I can't read or hear those ideas. I'll come out and tell you what I want: As a Guyver fan, I want to see large levels with lots of obstacles that involves you using the Guyver powers to overcome them. I also want to see a dramatic storyline that really pulls you into the game. See? Share your thoughts on what this game should be like. It's not an official game, it's a game made by us fans because we want a game. Now, together we shall create what we want, right?

 Now, don't forget what I am. I am a freelancer game developer. This means that I can, and most likely will have other games to develop. Captus was an example of the games that I make for people. I'm pretty sure most people will tell me to shut up and just finish the Guyver game, but I'm telling you this just in case I announce that I'm working on a new title. Don't freak out, I'm still putting the Guyver game first. Besides, I don't think I have anything new to announce. We'll see what happens in the future. Until then, thanks for being with me and I hope to get back with you when I'm ready to update.

Friday, April 12, 2013

CAPTUS: Warrior of Bravery Released!!

YES! After a long, long wait, the first version of Captus is released! I feel very successful with this game. It may not look like much, but it's my first game that was requested by someone. It doesn't usually take this long to make video games for me, but this was something that I wasn't use to. Up until now, all I have made were games that were based off BreakOut and Pong. It's really a big jump for me. I mean yeah, in my free time I have made small meaningless platform games, but nothing like Captus. With Captus, I had to create my own turn-based combat system, had to put together multiple classes (which will come in an update in the future), and much more. It was something new. But now, with hard work, I have completed it! Or, at least the first version of it. That's right, there is still some work that needs to be done. If you have played the demo, you'll notice that the character selection has been taken out. That's one of the few things I need to work on. But nevertheless, the Warrior's story is playable now!

Captus' new Title Screen
It's pretty late where I am, so I'm going to make this short. I want to thank a few people who have helped me with this game. With the engines, I have 'missing in action' (yes, that's his name) to thank for the Title Screen Engine. This is the engine I have used for Captus and I will use it again for the Guyver video game. I have 'FatalSleep' with the Simple Textbox Engine. Not only did he supply the engine that is used in Captus and will, once again, be used in the Guyver game, but the guy personally helped me understand how the engine is best used. Thanks again FatalSleep! And then I have 'cosmic' with the Enemy Health Bar Example. I actually found this at the last second. I couldn't get the enemies to last long in battle, so I looked for an engine that could help me with that. Neat little trick: I also used this for the player's health bar. As for the music, which was provided by 'the hot zaid'. I could tell that the music I have is from other games, so I didn't know who made what with that. To make it easier for me, I just said that it was provided by the hot zaid. If you want to know what song is from where, it might be best to ask him. I also have Ragnarok Online to thank for the graphics that are used in this game. They really look beautiful! I don't think I can get a better look for character graphics than what I got from Ragnarok Online. And most important, I want to thank icecoldwarrior2, the overall creator of the game. He supplied the idea and had me, out of a large amount of developers, develop it. I am honored! 

I believe I thanked everyone- OH! No, I haven't thank you. Those of you who have stayed with me through this awful wait; thanks a TON! I feel bad that I had you wait this whole time, but I hope version 1 of Captus can make up for the wait. Tomorrow I'll talk about what's going to happen in the future and what I can do to make things go by faster. I'll even speak about the Guyver game while I'm at it. Once again, Thank you all!

CAPTUS: Warrior of Bravery - Download

Monday, April 1, 2013

Guyver Game is Canceled (April Fools)

I know a lot of you were looking forward to this game, but due to the fact that I have not be keeping up with my schedule, I have to cancel it. I can understand your anger, your sorrow, or any kind of emotion you have because of this. I'm sorry, but maybe  you can enjoy other games in the future. I hope to create 3D Brick Survival in the near future, perhaps that can replace your excitement. Over the next few weeks I will be talking about it, so hopefully that will give you time. Again, I'm sorry.


Saturday, February 2, 2013

Another Captus Q&A

Q: So over the time of development, a few of your old answers have changed, correct?

A: Unfortunately, yes. I felt a little bad about the change of answers for past questions, but that's why I do these question and answer things.

Q: We'll keep tonight about Captus. So what is the biggest change in Captus since last time you answered about it?

A: That's a hard one... A lot has changed with Captus, but at the same time nothing too much has changed. The biggest and most depressing is the fact you can change out weapons each time you finish a stage. At this time, the only one who can change weapons in the game is the Black Smith class, but even then it's not the same as I just described. It'll probably be in the form of power-ups.

Q: Why did you decide that?

A: Captus is kind of like Brick Survival: it's kind of a test. I get a game through trying new things with the Game Maker Language. Brick Survival was just basic objects connecting with objects, the destruction of objects, and a scoreboard. Captus is a little more complex. In Captus I have to worry about combat and health bars. I had a great idea about making the combat memorable by having you guess on what you'll get next as the game progresses. I would like to add that in one day if I can, so I guess we should say that updates could be a major possibility.

Q: You have concept art for Captus, will we get to see that soon?

A: Yes, actually. I was meaning to get that up earlier but clearly that didn't happen. I'll get that up next week.

Q: Do you think by delaying the game, people have lost interest?

A: Oh gosh I hope not! It's true that I miss the release dates in the past, but I hope that this new one will be for good. You see the problem was that I had so much to do and so little time. Well just recently I took control of my time and laid it down to be on a schedule. Game development has plenty of hours, so this means my future games will not suffer from this.

Q: Will Captus ever reach media beyond video games? What's your plan for the game's future?

A: As you might know, I don't think too far ahead when it comes to creating a series, but I have plans to talk to the creator about the future. The game is just about done; all that's left is the polishing of the game. You asked if I'll bring it to other media, well I certainly hope so. I've been getting into drawing a lot, so I hope to one day create a Captus comic. It might explain more than the game itself.

Q: Will the comic be free?

A: Hmm... I haven't thought too hard about that. Like I said, I don't think that far ahead when it comes to creating a series.

Q: Are you working on anything other than Captus and the Guyver?

A: Maybe... I don't want development to sidetrack from finishing Captus to the Guyver, nor do I want the Guyver to shift in a new project. If there is anything I want to share with you about a new project, it'll most likely be announced once the Guyver's development is completed.

Q: Finally, the question I think everyone wants answered: When will it be released?

A: It's been a long, long journey in creating Captus. It was hard, but after much hard work, sweat, and tears, I'm happy to say that it's new and FINAL release date will be February 15. At this date, Captus will be released for everyone to play and enjoy.

Q: Any last words for your readers?

A: Yes, thank you all so much for staying with me through the creation of Captus! I have indeed learned from these mistakes and will NEVER make the same with the Guyver and future projects. Just go on a little more until the 15th and I'm sure the long and hard journey can come to a rest. Thanks again and I hope to see you all soon with a future Guyver Q&A.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Captus Q&A This Week

And it will be the last! That's right, this week I will be going into one more Q&A for Captus and it will have the official release date. It's been along time coming, but I am so glad to see it finished. You have no idea how good it felt to see the final boss fight come out smoothly. I'll do my best to make this week a week full of Captus related things, in hope that you'll get excited for it.

A quick notice, I'm updating more on my Twitter page. If your looking for quick updates on Captus, the Guyver and even future projects, that's the place to go. I'll just leave a link for you. And I'm going to be looking over my blog to make sure everything is in check, and I might just add a forum of some kind. It's hard to figure out how to do that, but I'm still looking for a way.

Last update, the Guyver video game development is going smoothly. Right now I'm gathering graphics for the opening scene. This is going to be the kind of game where you don't just watch cutscenes, it's going to be a game where you play out the scene. I think that's the best way to get to know a character.

Well, that's all for now. Remember, check back for future posts and that Q&A later this week. I'm sure you won't regret it. And thanks for staying with me through this hard journey of development!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Guyver is in Full Production

Captus is just about done and I'm ready to begin Guyver's full development. Every week, starting next week, I'll be uploading screen shots, concept art, or development videos. I hope by doing this, it'll get you excited about the Guyver video game.

I'm sorry about the lack of updates, but I'm going to be trying my best to get updates for you as often as they are needed. I'll be doing reviews again. If you have any favorite indie games on YoYo  Games, let me know and I'll give them a review. Also, if you have developed any games, send me a link to the game. I would love to play it and give it a review!

About Captus, I'm not so certain about it's release, but I'm working very, very hard to get it this week. If I can do this, Guyver will be released that much sooner. I'll be doing one more Q&A on Captus before it's complete, to give you a good idea on what you will be doing and what the game really is. I spoke with the creator of Captus and he hopes that you'll be excited about it and hope you'll want to see what happens in the game. He also wanted me to add that if you like it, demand a squeal. He has lots of ideas for a series if you want it.

As for Guyver, I'm not so certain that'll it get a series, but I don't like thinking that far ahead. Let's stay focused on what the game will actually be. I'll be creating a forum area for you to pitch ideas in. Tell me what you want in this Guyver game. Do you want it to be linked to the manga/anime universe? What about the movies? Do you want a second Guyver in the game? Do you want zoanoids from the anime/manga? You tell me and I will give it my all to make it possible. I say this alot and I will say it again: I may be developing the game, but you are creating the game. Tell me what you want in it, and we will see if it appears in the final version.