Friday, October 25, 2013

New Review Layout

 If you haven't noticed yet, I made two new posts that each held a review. What I'm doing is making room on my "Review" page. If you click on the Review tab, it'll only have the first paragraph to the review, with an option to take you to the full review. I personally think this is easier to do, because it takes less room. No on wants to scroll on a page with seven full reviews just to find out about on game. Instead it's smaller and easier to get to. Let me know your thoughts and feelings about this change in the comments.

 I have a new review in the works, which is one of the reasons why I made this change. The game I'm reviewing is short game called "Midnight Realm". It's pretty fun, but I did have a few problems with it. The review should be up tomorrow.

 I don't really have anything too important to say about the Guyver video game that's currently in development.If it's anything real small, then you can view the information on my Twitter page.

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