Monday, January 28, 2013

Captus Q&A This Week

And it will be the last! That's right, this week I will be going into one more Q&A for Captus and it will have the official release date. It's been along time coming, but I am so glad to see it finished. You have no idea how good it felt to see the final boss fight come out smoothly. I'll do my best to make this week a week full of Captus related things, in hope that you'll get excited for it.

A quick notice, I'm updating more on my Twitter page. If your looking for quick updates on Captus, the Guyver and even future projects, that's the place to go. I'll just leave a link for you. And I'm going to be looking over my blog to make sure everything is in check, and I might just add a forum of some kind. It's hard to figure out how to do that, but I'm still looking for a way.

Last update, the Guyver video game development is going smoothly. Right now I'm gathering graphics for the opening scene. This is going to be the kind of game where you don't just watch cutscenes, it's going to be a game where you play out the scene. I think that's the best way to get to know a character.

Well, that's all for now. Remember, check back for future posts and that Q&A later this week. I'm sure you won't regret it. And thanks for staying with me through this hard journey of development!

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