Captus is just about done and I'm ready to begin Guyver's full development. Every week, starting next week, I'll be uploading screen shots, concept art, or development videos. I hope by doing this, it'll get you excited about the Guyver video game.
I'm sorry about the lack of updates, but I'm going to be trying my best to get updates for you as often as they are needed. I'll be doing reviews again. If you have any favorite indie games on YoYo Games, let me know and I'll give them a review. Also, if you have developed any games, send me a link to the game. I would love to play it and give it a review!
About Captus, I'm not so certain about it's release, but I'm working very, very hard to get it this week. If I can do this, Guyver will be released that much sooner. I'll be doing one more Q&A on Captus before it's complete, to give you a good idea on what you will be doing and what the game really is. I spoke with the creator of Captus and he hopes that you'll be excited about it and hope you'll want to see what happens in the game. He also wanted me to add that if you like it, demand a squeal. He has lots of ideas for a series if you want it.
As for Guyver, I'm not so certain that'll it get a series, but I don't like thinking that far ahead. Let's stay focused on what the game will actually be. I'll be creating a forum area for you to pitch ideas in. Tell me what you want in this Guyver game. Do you want it to be linked to the manga/anime universe? What about the movies? Do you want a second Guyver in the game? Do you want zoanoids from the anime/manga? You tell me and I will give it my all to make it possible. I say this alot and I will say it again: I may be developing the game, but you are creating the game. Tell me what you want in it, and we will see if it appears in the final version.
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