Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas from SuperGuyverUSA

I just wanted to say Merry Christmas to everyone real quick. I've been spending time with my family over the week, but now I'm getting back to work. You'll be happy to know that Captus is near complete. The only thing that remains is getting the enemies to attack, then it'll be uploaded. I'm not going to say anything, but let's hope we can get it out before the end of the year. Speaking of which, on New Years day, I plan to give some exciting news! I hope you are looking forward to what next year holds, because it's going to be great!

Now, as a Christmas Gift to you all, I wanted you to play a little something... The Guyver play test! It's up right now, free to play! It's not very long, but it might give you a good taste of what is to come. Feel free to try it out right now. I'll give a link below. Merry Christmas to everyone! 

Guyver Play Test: Download

Friday, November 2, 2012

Indie Graphics Builder

Today, I got my copy of the Indie Graphics Builder (IGB for short). This a selection of graphics that will help me create games faster. I'll be using this to make the Guyver video game, which will also help with making more monsters for you to fight and more levels to play through. But most of this will help with future games that come after the Guyver game. I'll leave a link for you to go and see what exactly this IGB is.

On another note, I'll be working on Captus tonight in hopes to release by next week. The only thing that I'll have to do is make the battle more epic for you. The day before it comes out, I'll do another Q&A so that you'll know exactly what your playing. Also, concept art will come tomorrow, along with updated pictures. I don't know if you noticed, but the "PICTURES" tab has some of the smallest pictures I have ever uploaded... I'll be fixing that tomorrow.

Website: Indie Graphics Builder

Monday, October 22, 2012

Captus Concept Art Tonight

Tonight I'll be giving some more info on Captus. Not so much a Q&A, but just some art and a offical release date. I'll be working on the game tonight to see how long it'll take until it's complete. Come back around 9 o'clock Eastern Time for the info, screen shots, and concept art. I hope you're just as excited as I am!

Friday, October 19, 2012

New Review is Up

So I made another review today for the video game: Love Nightmare. This is a very hard game, but very addicting. I put the review up in my "REVIEW" tab. Go check it out and let me know what you think. Why don't you also give the game a play, which I put a link in there for you too. If you beat the game, share your thoughts with me and let me know how hard it was for you. Just to prove that I beat the game, I took a screen shot.

I was pretty happy once I beat the game. The ending is nothing much, maybe a good game to play on Valentine's Day.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

New "GAMES" Tab

I opened a new tab that has all my games that have been made and are currently under development. It's my job as a developer to show off my games as much as possible, plus what kind of gaming blog would this be without links to video games? I'm trying my best to build up this blog and fill it full of things that'll make it more interesting. Go ahead and check out the new tab and share some ideas that you would like to see on this site. I'm thinking about adding a "PICTURES" tab, a page that has all the released screen shots and concept art. It'll be cool! Maybe I'll create it later once some Captus concept art is released. To get faster updates with me, follow me on Twitter.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Faster Updates on Twitter

I created a Twitter account so that updates can come out faster. Please note: the major updates will still be here on my blog, but small things like how development is going for the games and maybe a new feature for the games. Just small stuff like that.

A good thing about Twitter is that it'll let me talk with all of you. Feel free to ask questions, ask for screen shots, really anything, as long as we can talk. I'm thinking about adding a new tab to the blog for things like video game requests. Being a Freelancer Game Developer, I can make games for everyone if they would like. But let's keep the idea realistic, I'm just one man. I can't make things that look as good as Uncharted or Halo. More information about that will be up later this week, along side some Captus screen shots.

Twitter Page: SuperGuyverUSA

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Q&A - Captus and More

Q: You've said in the past that Captus would have been released by now, why is it being delayed?

A: That's true, there really is no excuse for all the times that I have said about Captus' release. I do, however, have alot of things that I have to do everyday. It's never really easy, but I'm not looking for pity. What I normally ask of my readers is to understand that it's hard for me to do these kind of things.

Q: When will we see more of Captus, demo, art, etc?

A: Oh, well concept art has been flying around my little work area. I hope to have some art of the characters up next week, as soon as possible. As for a demo, I have already uploaded one on YoYo Games. It's not that great, but I'm working on getting it better.

Q: For those who played the demo, we noticed that there was no music. What will the music be like in the game?

A: I'm going to talk to a couple of people in hopes to get some music for the game. If all else fails, I'll either get some music from the developers on YoYo Games or create some myself. I'm kind of hoping to get some fantasy music. After all, that's what Captus is all about.

Q: How far do you think Captus will go?

A: As a series? I have no idea. I don't expect to get real popular from Captus, that's really what I'm expecting from the Guyver video game, but we'll talk about that later. If I can see Captus getting real popular, I might make more adaptions for it. What I found funny is that the one who wants me to make Captus is already planning for a squeal. I told him "Let's focus on just one game at a time". Yeah... Now he's planning on another game.

Q: Speaking of another game, will you be making a new game besides the Guyver any time soon?

A: Eh... I don't really want to talk about that. I'd be lying if I said I haven't thought about it before, but like I told the creator of Captus: Let's focus on just one game at a time. I'll probably say something about it after the Guyver game.

Q: Do you feel that the only reason people are paying attention to you is because of the Guyver video game?

A: Yes. *laughs* I'm not sure, to be honest. I can tell you for a fact that it wasn't Brick Survival that made me noticeable. All my Brick Survival games are kind of the same and don't have more than at least 15 plays each. It's kind of funny, the abbreviation for Brick Survival is BS.

Q: You've said before that you will not make another Brick Survival game, care to share more about that?

A: Sure, it's easy to understand. Brick Survival is just a different way to play Break Out. I want to make something more interesting, more story based. With Brick Survival, you don't get much outside of a classic feel for the old days. Even the person who had me make Brick Survival: Maximum said that it's not that great of a series. Besides, it's just a test series. Every Brick Survival game I make has something new in it that shows off what I would like to do. Maybe one day I'll make a 3D BS game, but right now, not so much.

Q: Why do you want to make video games? You have other things that you do like art and story writing, so why video games?

A: Good question. You see, I adore art, I even want to start making comics one day. Perhaps based off my video games. If you break down what video games really are, you'll find that it's more than just pretty graphics that move with a touch of a button. Video games actually are very important to businesses. Tons of industries have changed because of video games and maybe my games can make a big impact on things too. For story writing... I can make books, my mother owns a book publishing company. But video games just have that way of bringing you into the story.

Q: What about the Guyver video game, you don't really talk that much about it?

A: That's because there really isn't much to talk about at this time. Yeah, I have alot that I'm doing with it, but more infomation about it will come later. Once Captus is out of the way, I'll be doing tons of things with the Guyver video game. I just hope I'm the man for the job.

Q: Do you ever plan to reach out to other websites?

A: It's pretty clear that I upload my games on YoYo Games, but I have been thinking about expanding on other websites to help get my games the popularity that it needs. I already have YouTube account where I upload music videos and funny moment videos from different anime. I'll be making trailers and things like that real soon. I'm also thinking about getting a Twitter account so that my readers can ask questions of their own. The more I reach out to them, the better.

Q: As a developer, how far do you think you'll get?

A: That's always a hard question. I'm a freelancer game developer, which means I'll never stay around longer than just for the game's development. One company that keeps having me come back is Game Gremlin, which if you remember correctly is the company that wanted me to help with Brick Survival: Maximum. But I do hope one day to have a company of my own. Right now I'm just doing what I can.

Q: Do you ever plan to release your games on a tablet or phone?

A: I hope not. *laughs* I always aim to put my games on the big systems. But it has been a thought before. If I ever do, it won't be any time soon.

Q: A little more on Captus, what's changed in the game, if anything?

A: Sad to say, but there have been changes. I have said before that Captus would have you select new weapons as you go, but I have no idea how to do that with out having to take up so much space. That's one of the reasons why it's still in development.

Q: How much longer do we have to wait until it's released?

A: Not much longer. Either next week or the one after that, that is my plan! I'll be working hard on it until then.

Q: What about the Guyver video game?

A: That, I have to talk more about that before saying when it'll be released. Which, more information will come after Captus.

Q: Let's say the Guyver game was already released, what game would you like to develop after that?

A: There are alot of games I want to make, but the next one I want to make might either be a horror game or a game that is heavy on the story. Something that'll be remembered from me. I want all my games from here on out to have a special feeling. Something that when you play it, you'll go "Yeah, typical SuperGuyver".

Q: Your starting to do video game reviews, why is that?

A: It started off with Shooting Star Seven, a game I really enjoyed playing. So much so, that I gave my own personal review for it. After I did that, I thought: "I can do this more often and maybe people who like that game will see my game and give it a try." I call it "SG Reviews", which SG stands for SuperGuyver. Pretty simple, but still gets the point across.

Q: What kind of reviews will you be making?

A: As of right now, I'm only making reviews on games from YoYo Games. It's a good way to help out my fellow developers. If it's asked of me by enough people, I might make some reviews for bigger and more offical games.

Q: Do you have any screen shots that we can see?

A: Actually, I do. I'll show them at the end of the Q&A. The screen shots that I have for you today are from Captus and a play test I had with the Guyver game the other day. The Guyver shots don't show much, but at least it's something. As for Captus, I think you will all like it.

Q: Any last words for your readers?

A: Yes. Thank you all so much! It means the world to me that you guys care and I promise that I will be working very hard to get these games out for you. I'll be opening a Twitter account soon and I'll have some YouTube videos about my games as well. I'll let you all know when they are up there. There is also a new version of Game Maker up on YoYo Games, which lets me develop games easier. I'll try my best to get my hands on it, so that way the Guyver game can come faster. Again, thank you all and have a good day.

                                    In this picture we see the entity known as the Beast Tamer.

In this picture, the Warrior is actually fighting the Beast Tamer.

Here is the first screen shot of the playable class: The Archer.

It doesn't show much, but the textbox talks about how the Guyver game has five different engines.

In this picture we see the Guyver launching a Heavy Blast, or as us Guyver fans call it: The Pressure Cannon.

                          A short but sweet picture of the Guyver jumping over a power-up item.

Captus New Tonight at 9

At 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time, I will be giving some Captus news. I'll be talking about some changes to the game and a very possible release date. I will be showing some screen shots of combat and some layouts. I'll also be talking about each character. Though they don't have names, they do have personality, which adds more to gameplay. There will be alot said about Captus tonight.

Most likely I'll be giving some extra information about the Guyver video game and talking about my future as a game developer. All of this info will be in the form of a Q&A, so it'll be easy to understand. Stay tuned!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Weekly SG Reviews

So along side game development, I wanted some way to build up my relationship with YoYo Games. It helps me get popularity for my video games. By playing with other games, it'll give me inspiration for my own games. The first game I reviewed was a game in beta stages called Shooting Star Seven. I will be giving a new review for it once the full version is released.

I will be doing a new review every Saturday so keep your eyes open for them. If you don't want me to do reviews, then just let me know.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Guyver Video Game And Captus Screenshots

Let's start with some Guyver Video Game updates. I haven't talked alot about the Guyver game because it's still early in development, but it has been moving along very well. The main character, Jason Ryder and his mom and brother are just about done. I have also made a background for their home, which will be in the demo when it gets released. I do hope you are looking forward to it. When Captus is done, I will be putting about five hours a day into the Guyver game, but for now I have to divide it up. I have plans for the Guyver game to last around five to six hours long in story. Many engines have been added in and there are more to come, which shall make this game even more epic! I will talk more about the engines and the game when the time is right.

As for Captus, starting today, I will not update any game without showing my work. I figured that by doing this, you people won't loose interest in my work. I'm sorry that I didn't release the Warrior's Story for Captus weeks ago, but it's better this way. I'm pretty sure that downloading once is better than downloading for each character's story. So here are some screenshots from the game's development.

Here is the character selection, where you can choose from the four classes: Warrior, Archer, Mage, and Smith. The graphics for these characters are from Ragnarok Online's Character Creator.

It may not look like much, but I'm happy with how the title screen looks. It took me a while to get it all leveled out. If you don't like it, I can always change it.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Captus 'WARRIOR' Release Tonight

Captus is just about finished, but it'll take a couple more hours that I don't have today to finish the full game. But the Warrior's story is more than 75% complete and should be released tonight. An hour or so before release, I'll be showing screenshots of the game. On Monday the full game should be released, with music, sounds from enemies and attacks, and the Archer, Mage, and Smith as playable characters. I hope you are looking forward to it.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Captus Due For This Week

The long awaited Captus will be releasing by the end of this week. Now I know I haven't been doing well with keeping my release dates, but I'm 100% sure about this one. I will be working on it for about three hours a day, which normally i would put in half that time because of other projects I'm working on. But no worries, Captus is my main focus.

Once Captus is released, I will be working on the Guyver game, which all the backgrounds are gathered, except for one. The Guyver will take at least one more month before releasing, so until then I will be giving you all kind of things like concept art, screenshots, and a Q&A. A few weeks before release, I would like to get a demo out, like I did for Captus. More info about the Guyver will be released soon.

And to keep things interesting on this blog, I might start doing some reviews on games from YoYo Games. That might help get my games in the spot light as well. Thank you.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I'm Done With Brick Survival

I would like to say that Brick Survival: Maximum will be the last Brick Survival game I do. I'm going back and playing each of them and they just don't feel like the game I wanted to make. Starting with Captus, which will be released very soon, I'm making games with a unique feeling that you will only feel when playing my games. Captus may not be my ideal game, but I would like to make a promise you everyone that it will be better than Brick Survival.

I've set a goal for the Guyver video game's release, which I hope to get it out soon. I'm seeing a high possibility for a demo coming next week, but I can't be too sure. It's not to far off, I cant tell you that much. I'll be going over the game play before it's released and I'm going to give it my all to get everyone hyped about it. Until then, stay tuned!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Brick Survival: Maximum Version 2 [UPDATED]

Alright, the first update for Brick Survival: Maximum was released today. In this update, we get better controls, like when you were to press the reset button (the C key), your points remained the same. Also, if you were to press the menu button (the Z key), the music would still be playing in the background. Well, those are all fixed. Also, the Hard difficulty was fixed, as the ball would not destroy the bricks nor when it goes pass the character, it did not end the game. That's all fixed as well. If you want the better version, go a head and download it by clicking the link.  http://sandbox.yoyogames.com/games/202398-brick-survival-maximum Enjoy!

More Captus Info

So Captus is almost finished and will be released very soon, but I felt the need to share what the Captus gameplay is really about. You play as one of four hired heroes and try to save the people in the maze known as the Walls of Balfuzar. Now I want you to keep in mind that there is a action in this game, but the main focus is trying to FIND the people and when needed, you fight the monsters sealed inside. Sometimes you just need to avoid the monsters, but other times it's needed. Like there is a monster in the game that roams around the maze and if it catches you, it will send you to the beginning of the level, but when you find a person in need of help, you have to fight that monster. It gives you more time to play out the game, really makes you think.

The game will be done soon and I hope you are looking forward to it! The demo is out now, click on the link to play it. http://sandbox.yoyogames.com/games/202229-captus-demo

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Brick Survival: Maximum Released

My first game as a Freelancer. Brick Survival: Maximum is a video game made by and for the company Game Gremlin. GG was founded by Tehmaverickhunter on Yoyo Games, ask him if you have any questions about the company. The game is on Yoyo Games right now, free to play. If you want to play it, click on the link. http://sandbox.yoyogames.com/games/202398-brick-survival-maximum Please enjoy and if you have any ideas on how to make it better, let me know.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Q&A - Brick Survival: Maximum

Q: What made you want to create another Brick Survival game?

A: To be honest, I wasn't going to make any other Brick Survival game, but my friend, who made his own company called Game Gremlin, wanted me to hand over the game series to him, but rather than doing that, I decided to make a new stand alone title that would be created by GG.

Q: Why didn't you want to give the series over to Game Gremlin?

A: You know, I can't remember. There was a reason for it... But my answer now would have to be because it's more of a "test series", something that is only made to test out how well my skills are going. Like, the first game was testing out how well I can make a game. The second game was testing music, a real scoreboard, and a difficulty level. And now with Maximum, I'll be testing out alot of new things.

Q: Why would anyone play this game?

A: I would like to think it's worth the download because of all the new features on it. We get things like an Online feature. I like the idea of playing a simple game and seeing how well others can do. I can see it know: 15000 points as the highest on the online leaderboards. lol

Q: How long does it take to make a Brick Survival game?

A: Not very long. I remember making the first one in 4 hours and the second one in two days. This one took me a week, but the data was deleted some how. The game is almost done, so yeah, about a week to make this game.

Q: Do you plan to ever release it on handhelds or consoles?

A: Heck NO. This game is clearly based on games like Breakout, which is one of my favorite games out for the Atari systems. If I were to release this game and get money off of it, I would be sued for sure!

Q: What about Brick Survival 3? Do you plan/want to make it?

A: Eh, kinda. Brick Survival 3 was once in development, along side with a 3D remake of the first game. Brick Survival 3 was going to be a 3D game, but I put an end to it after I came up with the idea of making a Guyver video game. Perhaps one day in the future I'll make Brick Survival 3 with 3D graphics, an Online feature, and tons of other stuff.

Q: The past Brick Survival games haven't done well on YoYo Games, any words on that?

A: I did not cry if that's what you think I did. I mean, we all saw it coming. Brick Survival isn't a very important game, it's actually poorly made if you look at it. If I could find any other place to upload the game, I probably would. I really want everyone to see my games. Isn't that what all developers want?

Q: Why create Brick Survival as your first game?

A: I loved old games like Breakout and I recall playing a game on my phone that had something to do with blocks. When I was playing these two games, I thought "I could make this game", so I did. Those games look alot better than mine, clearly, but as long as we can all have fun. The thing that make Brick Survival different from those games is the fact that the bricks you break reappear. In the second game there are modes where the brick is fully destroyed, but the Casual mode is still the same.

Q: What kind of features are in Brick Survival: Maximum?

A: Let's see... We have Casual, the Difficulty setting with Easy, Normal, and Hard, a new mode called Tegula, which is kind of like Breakout, we have a mode called Maximum, which is the same setting as Normal, but it features new bricks and is so much more difficult. Oh, we also have 2-Player mode, like Brick Survival 2. 2-Player features Versus mode, which is you and the second player bouncing the ball back at each other while hitting bricks (more info will come out soon), Co-Op mode, it's something like the Normal setting, except you have a second player with you. And the best, Online. It's just like Casual, but it's online!

Q: How does the game look, Gameplay and Graphics?

A: Gameplay is still the same old Brick Survival, so nothing has really changed there. Graphics, they have been upgraded to something beautiful. The graphics were made by the founder of Game Gremlin, who wants to do graphics for future games. I'll have some screen shots up later, that or the actual game. lol

Q: Last question, when will it be out?

A: Soon. I'm not real sure, maybe tomorrow (7-28-12). It'll be alot of fun when it does come out, trust me.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Guyver Demo Around the Corner

So I've been very strick about my video game development lately and I would like to tell you a little bit about it. For one, I was just about done with a new Brick Survival game before all the data was lost. Because of this, I'm trying to get things done quickly yet polish everything. By the next week, both the new Brick Survival game and Captus will be released. And with fingers crossed, the Guyver video game demo should be out around the same time. I'm going to be working very hard on these games and I'll try to keep you updated with everything. And about the Guyver game, do not forget, I am the one developing it, but it's the Guyver fanbase CREATING it. If you have some ideas on what you would like to see, just let me know, alright? I might apply it to the game.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

So Sorry

Captus was not released on it's offical release date because I have plans to go to Nauvoo next week. It's a very important trip and it needs alot of attention. Because of this, I was not able to finish Captus. I'm very, very sorry about this! I really am. I hope to release in two weeks from now, but let's not rush it. Again, I'm very sorry. I'll have more info for you all later.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Engine in Development

Well, since the last post, it turns out the battle engine that I was using didn't work right. Before giving up in defeat, I decided to build my own engine in a couple of hours. Enough small talk, I got a game/engine to finish.

Captus Out Tonight

Alright, I'm sure now. I got the battle system I'm going to use and I have high hopes for it. Last time I said this was for the Guyver Demo and that didn't work so well, but don't worry, if I can't use this engine, I'll quickly make one myself, which won't take that long. To get you all excited, let's talk about the game a little more. Each character in the game will have around an hour and a half to two hours of gameplay, so all together you can get a six to eight hours of gameplay. This game only uses five buttons: Left, Right, Up, Down, and the Space bar. The Space button will be your best friend in this game, the game adresses it as the "action" button. Once this game is released, I will annouce my next project, which has a release for the end of this week. Don't worry, this one is almost done, so It'll make it's promised release unlike Captus. I hope your looking forward to tonight, it's going to be awesome!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Out on Monday

So sorry if you were looking forward to playing Captus tonight, but I moved it back to Monday. Tomorrow is Sunday and I'll be taking a break from all my work, so Monday will be the day to release it. The game is near complete, if fact I have a couple of  screen shots to show all of you.

This is the character roster which will be playable. As you can see, we have all the classes which have been promised.

And this here is the title screen. It isn't much, but I really love how it looks. I do ask for your opinion on these pictures. If you don't like them, please let me know. If it's possible to fix it, I'll do as such. I'm sorry for the delay, but I know it'll be worth it when it's released.

Captus Out Tonight

I'm on my phone right now, so this won't be long. I just want to let you all know that Captus will be out tonight, but it won't come out on it's 8-9 Eastern Time release. It's just about done, I'll be sure to show all of you some screenshots very soon.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Captus Out Tomorrow

It was going to be released today, but I'm running behind on a few things, so I pushed it back a day. I am almost done, so there is nothing really to fear. The creator of Captus (I'm just the developer) is coming over today to see how it looks so far. After his visit, I'll upload some screen shots of gameplay. The game itself is rather sort, I'm aiming around two hours of gameplay per class (Warrior, Mage, Smith, and Archer), but it might be shorter. The hard part about this game is going to be the battle system, which is why I pushed the release date back a day. I'm going to need time on the battle system in hopes to get a nice and simple battle stage. Besides for the battle systems, the game should be ready today.
The music in the game might be limited, to save space and everything. Music takes up alot of space and I don't want this game to be more than 16 MB. Maybe around five songs will be in the game, maybe. The most would be seven. Nevertheless, I'll do my best to make it a great game. You should expect a release for the game tomorrow around 8 or 9 Eastern Time.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Story of Captus

If you didn't get enough info from the Q&A about this game, then perhaps I can interest you in some more details. Captus takes place thousands of years ago when there was a large empire ruling over many lands. As the days passed on, creatures starting coming into the kingdom and began to kill many people. The people came to the king of the empire, Azmoth, and demanded that he do something about all the creatures. Azmoth was a kind and caring leader, so he hired one of the world's greatest inventors, Balfuzar, to come a build a maze under the kingdom so that the creatures will not be able to cause any more harm. But as time passes by, people began to think that Azmoth, being old in age, was not good enough to be their king. They demanded that there be a younger king so that he may be wise enough to make decisions for the kingdom. Azmoth was dethroned and the new king, Soramon, was now in charge. Soramon was a strict king and not only used the maze to keep monsters locked up, but he used it as a punishment for anyone who will break even a simple rule of his. Balfuzar heard about this and wanted Soramon to stop such an idea. Soramon was angry with Balfuzar and commanded his guards to kill him. Before they could grab him, Balfuzar ran for the maze to hide in there. They all believed him to be foolish and they never saw Balfuzar again. A few years later, monsters of all kind started to come out and dragging people away into the maze. When Soramon's daughter was taken, he decided to hire someone to come and gather everyone from the maze.

The person who he hires is up to you, either the Warrior, Archer, Mage, or the Smith. I hope your looking forward to the May 25th release.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Q&A - PROJECT: Agito

Q: What is the basic idea of PROJECT: Agito?

A: To put it simple, the game is about a hired hero, you can choose what class type he is, like a warrior or a mage. This young hero is to go save captured people from monsters in a maze, or labyrinth. More info about it's plot will be released later this week.

Q: So what is the gameplay like?

A: It's in a bird's-eye view, with graphics powered by Ragnarok Online's character simulator. You move the character around the maze and there will be monsters running around as well. When you run into a monster, you will enter in a battle stage and fight a certain amount of monsters of the type you ran in to.

Q: What is the battle stage like?

A: It's a turn based battle system. You'll have three options on your battle menu, depending on which class you chose. Let's say you chose the warrior class, the menu will say Strike, Items, and Run. Now you don't have to go fight these monsters, but it'll help you get so new weapons for the next level.

Q: What are the classes and what would make people want to play different classes?

A: The classes are: Warrior, Mage, Smith, and Archer. Each of these classes are made for specific gamers. The Warrior class is for the gamer who just wants the easy character and wants to bash enemies. The Mage is for the gamer who is all skills and magic, mostly the kind of class to find weaknesses of enemies and to create spells from fallen foes. The Smith is for the gamer who wants to explore the maze. The Smith can gather items around the maze and at some points in the level, can put them together to get an item stronger and more useful than other weapons. Sometimes they are stronger than other class weapons.And the Archer is for the gamer who plans everything out. I'm not sure if I'll add this feature to the game, but the Archer is the only class that can strike outside of the battle stage. All of these classes are fun for all gamers and it gives the game a new feel.

Q: Where did you get the idea for this game?

A: Actually, this game idea came from a friend of mine. He's always been interested in game creation and wanted to see his one of his ideas in a game format. Being a Freelancer Game Developer, it was the least I could do for him.

Q: How long is the game?

A: To early to say, but I'm aiming around 2 hours and a half per class. The story is the same for each class, but the character class you choose also comes with it's own personality. It helps with the feel of the game.

Q: What kind of weapons will be in the game?

A: The Warrior class will be able to hold weapons and items such as swords, axes, and maces. The Mage uses staffs, but you'll mostly be casting spells and making new ones with the Mage. The Mage's spells start of with things like Fire, Heal, and Ice. The Smith starts off with a hammer and can gather items from foes to build new weapons. To put short, the Smith can hold any weapon, as long as he created it. And the Archer is simple, he holds all kinds of bows. the weapons and magic will have more options in the game.

Q: Will the game appear on consoles?

A: No, this is a game created for free and for fun. If I were to get money for this, I might get sued. Nevertheless, the game will appear on the website YoYo Games on my account.

Q: What is the real name for PROJECT: Agito?

A: I talked with the creator of the story and we agreed that the official title of the game will be "Captus", which is Latin for captive. This follows the plot of people being captured in the maze.

Q: Last question, when will the game be released?

A: I am planning on a May 25th release. I hope that all of these answers will help others be excited for the game. I hope your looking forward to it.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Back in the Game

It's been along time since my last update. I would like to start by apologizing for not keeping you updated with the Guyver game. It turns out that the engine I was trying to use didn't work. Because of this, I figured that I should make my own engine (I call it the "Out of Control" engine). Although I call it a engine, it serves more as combination of other engines. It just makes it more convenient for me. But I started to have some problems with it and I decided to move onto a few side projects.

On the website sandbox.yoyogames.com, I created a "test" game series based on Breakout called "Brick Survival". It was mostly meant for me to get a good feel for the program that I am using to create games with. But a friend of mine who made his own company wanted to me to give him the rights to Brick Survival. I talked him into a new Brick Survival game as long as he leaves mine alone. He liked the idea of it. He made the sprites for the game and I am going to add a few new elements to it to make it unique. The title of this game is called "Brick Survival: Maximum". It's starting to look very good and it has been in development for only a week or so.

The other game was for a friend of mine who likes and respects the idea of developing games at a young age. He wanted to see if I could bring one of his ideas in a game form. The idea he gave me sounded really good and I'm currently planning on how everything is going to look. For right now, the game is titled "Project: Agito". I'll give you more details in time, but for right now all I can say is that it's a maze/puzzle game with some sort of battle system, most likely a turn based system.

So with these two games in development, I have hopes to release them some time around Summer time. If your worried about the Guyver game, don't be. That is my main game that I'm putting alot of work into. I had a huge problem with my computer and alot of files have been deleted, but I still have the Out of Control engine, so I wont have to rebuild that much. To be honest, I might have a chance to go back and fix a few things. I have hopes to release the Guyver game some time during Summer. I'll be sure to keep you updated with these three projects and release an update every week. I hope your excited for them.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Still Hope for the Demo

Two days ago I had received a reply from the developer of the engine. He is currently looking into the matter and hopefully we will get our demo. So I really hope that we can get this working, even though I have said that I wanted to just skip right into the game development and create a demo from that, this is a good way to test out the engine and  see how the game would feel. I'm still in search of a new engine just in case, but I'm going to hold off on the search until we can get this problem fixed. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Development Problems

You've probably already noticed, but the demo is not up yet. Only because I ran into a problem with an engine that was being added. This engine would be the main source of the Guyver's movement (like moving left, right, jumping). The problem I ran into was the fact that the character would not jump. It would cause the game to shut down instead. Now the menu has started to mess up and the "FILES" option has caused the game to just skip right into the gameplay. I sent an email to the developer of this engine and I have yet to get a reply. Due to this, I might just have to find a different engine and restart the demo's development. This will put a delay into the demo, so I will just skip the demo idea and just develop the game.

The demo was meant to be a level that would not be in the original game and it would give you a chance to test out the Guyver's powers. I am now going to just develop the game and I will give you the first part of it. That was going to be my main plan from the start, but I had a change of mind. Well, that didn't get me far. Wait a little while longer as I search for a new and better engine. I will try my best to get you all a demo by this week or the next.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Demo Out on the 14th

Coming on the 14th of this month we will be seeing the first ever release of a Guyver video game demo! The demo will feature all of the Guyver's powers and a level teaching you about the basics of the Guyver's powers, such as the Mega Smasher and the High Frequency Blades. The demo will also feature three zoanoids made for this video game for you to fight and kill. The music is unknown to me right now, but I will try to add the music from the anime into this game. If all else fails, I will be using a song premade for this demo until I can get the right music. Speaking of music, the song "Waiting For" by Yo Reiri will be the main theme for this game. I just thought that would be a great feeling; Starting up the first ever Guyver video game playable for everyone, and then the Anime's theme plays. Just thinking about it gives me chills.

Once you have beaten the demo, the game will give you the official release date to the game. This by far would have to be the best part of the demo. I do hope you are looking forward to it, I know it'll be an experience to remember.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Uneven Sprites

As you can see, the Mega Smasher Sprite is uneven. It's rather sad that I could not get it at the right angle, but I'll try to be working on it. If all else fails, I'll just keep it as it is. It may not look right, but it's close enough if you ask me. Be sure to give me your feedback, I would like to know what you think of these screen shots.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Current Project: Guyver The Bioboosted Armor

My first video game that I'll be working on is called "Guyver The Bioboosted Armor". Guyver is a Japanese manga made in 1985 and it was later turned into a anime, two movies, and a animated feature film. Later in 2005 it had another anime. Though it was very popular, Guyver has never had a video game, not even a fan video game. I plan to change that. The screen shot you see is the title to the video that's currently in development. I'll be sure to keep you updated with how the development is going and I'll try to have a new post for you every day if possible.