Monday, August 20, 2012

Captus Due For This Week

The long awaited Captus will be releasing by the end of this week. Now I know I haven't been doing well with keeping my release dates, but I'm 100% sure about this one. I will be working on it for about three hours a day, which normally i would put in half that time because of other projects I'm working on. But no worries, Captus is my main focus.

Once Captus is released, I will be working on the Guyver game, which all the backgrounds are gathered, except for one. The Guyver will take at least one more month before releasing, so until then I will be giving you all kind of things like concept art, screenshots, and a Q&A. A few weeks before release, I would like to get a demo out, like I did for Captus. More info about the Guyver will be released soon.

And to keep things interesting on this blog, I might start doing some reviews on games from YoYo Games. That might help get my games in the spot light as well. Thank you.

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