Saturday, July 14, 2012

Guyver Demo Around the Corner

So I've been very strick about my video game development lately and I would like to tell you a little bit about it. For one, I was just about done with a new Brick Survival game before all the data was lost. Because of this, I'm trying to get things done quickly yet polish everything. By the next week, both the new Brick Survival game and Captus will be released. And with fingers crossed, the Guyver video game demo should be out around the same time. I'm going to be working very hard on these games and I'll try to keep you updated with everything. And about the Guyver game, do not forget, I am the one developing it, but it's the Guyver fanbase CREATING it. If you have some ideas on what you would like to see, just let me know, alright? I might apply it to the game.

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