Saturday, April 14, 2012

Back in the Game

It's been along time since my last update. I would like to start by apologizing for not keeping you updated with the Guyver game. It turns out that the engine I was trying to use didn't work. Because of this, I figured that I should make my own engine (I call it the "Out of Control" engine). Although I call it a engine, it serves more as combination of other engines. It just makes it more convenient for me. But I started to have some problems with it and I decided to move onto a few side projects.

On the website, I created a "test" game series based on Breakout called "Brick Survival". It was mostly meant for me to get a good feel for the program that I am using to create games with. But a friend of mine who made his own company wanted to me to give him the rights to Brick Survival. I talked him into a new Brick Survival game as long as he leaves mine alone. He liked the idea of it. He made the sprites for the game and I am going to add a few new elements to it to make it unique. The title of this game is called "Brick Survival: Maximum". It's starting to look very good and it has been in development for only a week or so.

The other game was for a friend of mine who likes and respects the idea of developing games at a young age. He wanted to see if I could bring one of his ideas in a game form. The idea he gave me sounded really good and I'm currently planning on how everything is going to look. For right now, the game is titled "Project: Agito". I'll give you more details in time, but for right now all I can say is that it's a maze/puzzle game with some sort of battle system, most likely a turn based system.

So with these two games in development, I have hopes to release them some time around Summer time. If your worried about the Guyver game, don't be. That is my main game that I'm putting alot of work into. I had a huge problem with my computer and alot of files have been deleted, but I still have the Out of Control engine, so I wont have to rebuild that much. To be honest, I might have a chance to go back and fix a few things. I have hopes to release the Guyver game some time during Summer. I'll be sure to keep you updated with these three projects and release an update every week. I hope your excited for them.

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