Monday, April 15, 2013

What's Next: The Guyver Game

 I want to speak to you all concerning what happens now that I finished Captus. As most of you know, one of the biggest appeals when I was talking about Captus was the fact you could choose other characters. That hasn't changed, you will be able to play as those characters soon. But the thing I wanted to talk about the most is the Guyver video game that has been in small bits of development until earlier this year. Earlier this year I said that the game would be in full blown development. It is, but with the development of Captus, it was hard to do some serious development on the Guyver game. Now that Captus is finished, I'm going to be putting the Guyver first in development.

 Let's clear up some stuff with Captus before we go on. Right now you can play the Warrior's story, but the other characters will be playable in the near future. Just to remind you, the extra characters that will be added will be the Archer, the Mage, and the Smith. Each character will have something unique about the story. For the Warrior, the ending involved leaving in open for a "what happened" kind of story. Others will have something different, maybe even a different ending. Also, I will be making adjustments to the game that I see fit. I'll talk to the creator of the game and see what he wants added to the game. But as far as I'm concerned, I am finished with Captus. I will spend a small amount of time trying to get it to be better, but most of my time is going into the Guyver game.

 As far the Guyver game, I am ready to take it on! It's been hard to get Guyver time in there, but now that Captus is finished, I can put as much time in there as I want. And this time, I will not be pulling your leg with release dates. There is no reason too. I can give you a ton of reasons for why I gave so many release dates to Captus, but they can all be summed up by the fact that I was in a different league of development. As for the Guyver, it's basically and action platform game. Behind every one's back, I have developed things like this. Heck, at one point I made a game where you play as blocks and try to shoot red blocks. It was rather simple, I made it in about a day or two. As everyone knows, I made a super engine that is powered by five other engines and soon to be more. In a nutshell, that super engine in the Guyver game. Which means I need to add more elements to it.
Guyver's New Title Screen

 Development on the Guyver game has never been stronger than what it is right now. Like I said months ago, I want to start updating in different ways. I want to start putting up concept art of characters. I want to start putting up development videos so you kids can see what I'm really doing with the game's development. There is so much that I could do! Until I can get those kinds of updates sorted out, I'm just going to stick with these kinds of updates. Now with the creation of the game, I want to hear for you as the Guyver Fanbase. Tell me what you want to see in this game. I have added what I want to see in the story and gameplay, but if you want something that might make the game even better, then shout it out! Don't whisper, don't talk to your dog, and don't think it, because I can't read or hear those ideas. I'll come out and tell you what I want: As a Guyver fan, I want to see large levels with lots of obstacles that involves you using the Guyver powers to overcome them. I also want to see a dramatic storyline that really pulls you into the game. See? Share your thoughts on what this game should be like. It's not an official game, it's a game made by us fans because we want a game. Now, together we shall create what we want, right?

 Now, don't forget what I am. I am a freelancer game developer. This means that I can, and most likely will have other games to develop. Captus was an example of the games that I make for people. I'm pretty sure most people will tell me to shut up and just finish the Guyver game, but I'm telling you this just in case I announce that I'm working on a new title. Don't freak out, I'm still putting the Guyver game first. Besides, I don't think I have anything new to announce. We'll see what happens in the future. Until then, thanks for being with me and I hope to get back with you when I'm ready to update.

Friday, April 12, 2013

CAPTUS: Warrior of Bravery Released!!

YES! After a long, long wait, the first version of Captus is released! I feel very successful with this game. It may not look like much, but it's my first game that was requested by someone. It doesn't usually take this long to make video games for me, but this was something that I wasn't use to. Up until now, all I have made were games that were based off BreakOut and Pong. It's really a big jump for me. I mean yeah, in my free time I have made small meaningless platform games, but nothing like Captus. With Captus, I had to create my own turn-based combat system, had to put together multiple classes (which will come in an update in the future), and much more. It was something new. But now, with hard work, I have completed it! Or, at least the first version of it. That's right, there is still some work that needs to be done. If you have played the demo, you'll notice that the character selection has been taken out. That's one of the few things I need to work on. But nevertheless, the Warrior's story is playable now!

Captus' new Title Screen
It's pretty late where I am, so I'm going to make this short. I want to thank a few people who have helped me with this game. With the engines, I have 'missing in action' (yes, that's his name) to thank for the Title Screen Engine. This is the engine I have used for Captus and I will use it again for the Guyver video game. I have 'FatalSleep' with the Simple Textbox Engine. Not only did he supply the engine that is used in Captus and will, once again, be used in the Guyver game, but the guy personally helped me understand how the engine is best used. Thanks again FatalSleep! And then I have 'cosmic' with the Enemy Health Bar Example. I actually found this at the last second. I couldn't get the enemies to last long in battle, so I looked for an engine that could help me with that. Neat little trick: I also used this for the player's health bar. As for the music, which was provided by 'the hot zaid'. I could tell that the music I have is from other games, so I didn't know who made what with that. To make it easier for me, I just said that it was provided by the hot zaid. If you want to know what song is from where, it might be best to ask him. I also have Ragnarok Online to thank for the graphics that are used in this game. They really look beautiful! I don't think I can get a better look for character graphics than what I got from Ragnarok Online. And most important, I want to thank icecoldwarrior2, the overall creator of the game. He supplied the idea and had me, out of a large amount of developers, develop it. I am honored! 

I believe I thanked everyone- OH! No, I haven't thank you. Those of you who have stayed with me through this awful wait; thanks a TON! I feel bad that I had you wait this whole time, but I hope version 1 of Captus can make up for the wait. Tomorrow I'll talk about what's going to happen in the future and what I can do to make things go by faster. I'll even speak about the Guyver game while I'm at it. Once again, Thank you all!

CAPTUS: Warrior of Bravery - Download

Monday, April 1, 2013

Guyver Game is Canceled (April Fools)

I know a lot of you were looking forward to this game, but due to the fact that I have not be keeping up with my schedule, I have to cancel it. I can understand your anger, your sorrow, or any kind of emotion you have because of this. I'm sorry, but maybe  you can enjoy other games in the future. I hope to create 3D Brick Survival in the near future, perhaps that can replace your excitement. Over the next few weeks I will be talking about it, so hopefully that will give you time. Again, I'm sorry.