Monday, November 18, 2013

Guyver Development Back to GM 8.1

Well, I have ran into a few minor problems with the Guyver game development. For the transition from one room to the next, I want there to be a fade-out and fade-in kind of effect. If anyone has played Captus, you'll know what I'm talking about. For Game Maker 8.1, it was built into the program; making it easier for me. However, this is not the case for Game Maker: Studio. From what I have read, GM: Studio did away with a few effects to make it possible to develop on other systems. That's fine, it's actually a good idea. But some of those effects are things I really want in my games.

 So what do I do in this situation? Well, YoYo Games still have Game Maker 8.1 up for sale on their website. This surprised me; I could have sworn that they said that GM 8.1 was no longer being supported. Nevertheless, I downloaded it to my computer. I kinda prefer this over Studio anyways. So now, the Guyver video game is going to continue it's development in Game Maker 8.1.

 But I want to get out there right now: once the Guyver is finished with development, I'll be using Studio as my main development kit. While I had Studio, I messed around with it and thought it was actually pretty cool. It's not the greatest thing in the world, but I think if the proper work is put into it, it can do some awesome stuff.

 Right now I'm making a new game engine for Studio. I'm hoping to harvest the best things from the Out of Control engine (the engine I'm using to make the Guyver with, based off more than five engines) and the skills from Captus to make this new engine. Next month I'll probably share with you my plans for what this engine will be used for.

But yeah, Guvyer development is returning to Game Maker 8.1. When the demo is out, I'll make a post about it. More than likely, that's what my next blog post will be about.