Monday, October 22, 2012

Captus Concept Art Tonight

Tonight I'll be giving some more info on Captus. Not so much a Q&A, but just some art and a offical release date. I'll be working on the game tonight to see how long it'll take until it's complete. Come back around 9 o'clock Eastern Time for the info, screen shots, and concept art. I hope you're just as excited as I am!

Friday, October 19, 2012

New Review is Up

So I made another review today for the video game: Love Nightmare. This is a very hard game, but very addicting. I put the review up in my "REVIEW" tab. Go check it out and let me know what you think. Why don't you also give the game a play, which I put a link in there for you too. If you beat the game, share your thoughts with me and let me know how hard it was for you. Just to prove that I beat the game, I took a screen shot.

I was pretty happy once I beat the game. The ending is nothing much, maybe a good game to play on Valentine's Day.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

New "GAMES" Tab

I opened a new tab that has all my games that have been made and are currently under development. It's my job as a developer to show off my games as much as possible, plus what kind of gaming blog would this be without links to video games? I'm trying my best to build up this blog and fill it full of things that'll make it more interesting. Go ahead and check out the new tab and share some ideas that you would like to see on this site. I'm thinking about adding a "PICTURES" tab, a page that has all the released screen shots and concept art. It'll be cool! Maybe I'll create it later once some Captus concept art is released. To get faster updates with me, follow me on Twitter.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Faster Updates on Twitter

I created a Twitter account so that updates can come out faster. Please note: the major updates will still be here on my blog, but small things like how development is going for the games and maybe a new feature for the games. Just small stuff like that.

A good thing about Twitter is that it'll let me talk with all of you. Feel free to ask questions, ask for screen shots, really anything, as long as we can talk. I'm thinking about adding a new tab to the blog for things like video game requests. Being a Freelancer Game Developer, I can make games for everyone if they would like. But let's keep the idea realistic, I'm just one man. I can't make things that look as good as Uncharted or Halo. More information about that will be up later this week, along side some Captus screen shots.

Twitter Page: SuperGuyverUSA

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Q&A - Captus and More

Q: You've said in the past that Captus would have been released by now, why is it being delayed?

A: That's true, there really is no excuse for all the times that I have said about Captus' release. I do, however, have alot of things that I have to do everyday. It's never really easy, but I'm not looking for pity. What I normally ask of my readers is to understand that it's hard for me to do these kind of things.

Q: When will we see more of Captus, demo, art, etc?

A: Oh, well concept art has been flying around my little work area. I hope to have some art of the characters up next week, as soon as possible. As for a demo, I have already uploaded one on YoYo Games. It's not that great, but I'm working on getting it better.

Q: For those who played the demo, we noticed that there was no music. What will the music be like in the game?

A: I'm going to talk to a couple of people in hopes to get some music for the game. If all else fails, I'll either get some music from the developers on YoYo Games or create some myself. I'm kind of hoping to get some fantasy music. After all, that's what Captus is all about.

Q: How far do you think Captus will go?

A: As a series? I have no idea. I don't expect to get real popular from Captus, that's really what I'm expecting from the Guyver video game, but we'll talk about that later. If I can see Captus getting real popular, I might make more adaptions for it. What I found funny is that the one who wants me to make Captus is already planning for a squeal. I told him "Let's focus on just one game at a time". Yeah... Now he's planning on another game.

Q: Speaking of another game, will you be making a new game besides the Guyver any time soon?

A: Eh... I don't really want to talk about that. I'd be lying if I said I haven't thought about it before, but like I told the creator of Captus: Let's focus on just one game at a time. I'll probably say something about it after the Guyver game.

Q: Do you feel that the only reason people are paying attention to you is because of the Guyver video game?

A: Yes. *laughs* I'm not sure, to be honest. I can tell you for a fact that it wasn't Brick Survival that made me noticeable. All my Brick Survival games are kind of the same and don't have more than at least 15 plays each. It's kind of funny, the abbreviation for Brick Survival is BS.

Q: You've said before that you will not make another Brick Survival game, care to share more about that?

A: Sure, it's easy to understand. Brick Survival is just a different way to play Break Out. I want to make something more interesting, more story based. With Brick Survival, you don't get much outside of a classic feel for the old days. Even the person who had me make Brick Survival: Maximum said that it's not that great of a series. Besides, it's just a test series. Every Brick Survival game I make has something new in it that shows off what I would like to do. Maybe one day I'll make a 3D BS game, but right now, not so much.

Q: Why do you want to make video games? You have other things that you do like art and story writing, so why video games?

A: Good question. You see, I adore art, I even want to start making comics one day. Perhaps based off my video games. If you break down what video games really are, you'll find that it's more than just pretty graphics that move with a touch of a button. Video games actually are very important to businesses. Tons of industries have changed because of video games and maybe my games can make a big impact on things too. For story writing... I can make books, my mother owns a book publishing company. But video games just have that way of bringing you into the story.

Q: What about the Guyver video game, you don't really talk that much about it?

A: That's because there really isn't much to talk about at this time. Yeah, I have alot that I'm doing with it, but more infomation about it will come later. Once Captus is out of the way, I'll be doing tons of things with the Guyver video game. I just hope I'm the man for the job.

Q: Do you ever plan to reach out to other websites?

A: It's pretty clear that I upload my games on YoYo Games, but I have been thinking about expanding on other websites to help get my games the popularity that it needs. I already have YouTube account where I upload music videos and funny moment videos from different anime. I'll be making trailers and things like that real soon. I'm also thinking about getting a Twitter account so that my readers can ask questions of their own. The more I reach out to them, the better.

Q: As a developer, how far do you think you'll get?

A: That's always a hard question. I'm a freelancer game developer, which means I'll never stay around longer than just for the game's development. One company that keeps having me come back is Game Gremlin, which if you remember correctly is the company that wanted me to help with Brick Survival: Maximum. But I do hope one day to have a company of my own. Right now I'm just doing what I can.

Q: Do you ever plan to release your games on a tablet or phone?

A: I hope not. *laughs* I always aim to put my games on the big systems. But it has been a thought before. If I ever do, it won't be any time soon.

Q: A little more on Captus, what's changed in the game, if anything?

A: Sad to say, but there have been changes. I have said before that Captus would have you select new weapons as you go, but I have no idea how to do that with out having to take up so much space. That's one of the reasons why it's still in development.

Q: How much longer do we have to wait until it's released?

A: Not much longer. Either next week or the one after that, that is my plan! I'll be working hard on it until then.

Q: What about the Guyver video game?

A: That, I have to talk more about that before saying when it'll be released. Which, more information will come after Captus.

Q: Let's say the Guyver game was already released, what game would you like to develop after that?

A: There are alot of games I want to make, but the next one I want to make might either be a horror game or a game that is heavy on the story. Something that'll be remembered from me. I want all my games from here on out to have a special feeling. Something that when you play it, you'll go "Yeah, typical SuperGuyver".

Q: Your starting to do video game reviews, why is that?

A: It started off with Shooting Star Seven, a game I really enjoyed playing. So much so, that I gave my own personal review for it. After I did that, I thought: "I can do this more often and maybe people who like that game will see my game and give it a try." I call it "SG Reviews", which SG stands for SuperGuyver. Pretty simple, but still gets the point across.

Q: What kind of reviews will you be making?

A: As of right now, I'm only making reviews on games from YoYo Games. It's a good way to help out my fellow developers. If it's asked of me by enough people, I might make some reviews for bigger and more offical games.

Q: Do you have any screen shots that we can see?

A: Actually, I do. I'll show them at the end of the Q&A. The screen shots that I have for you today are from Captus and a play test I had with the Guyver game the other day. The Guyver shots don't show much, but at least it's something. As for Captus, I think you will all like it.

Q: Any last words for your readers?

A: Yes. Thank you all so much! It means the world to me that you guys care and I promise that I will be working very hard to get these games out for you. I'll be opening a Twitter account soon and I'll have some YouTube videos about my games as well. I'll let you all know when they are up there. There is also a new version of Game Maker up on YoYo Games, which lets me develop games easier. I'll try my best to get my hands on it, so that way the Guyver game can come faster. Again, thank you all and have a good day.

                                    In this picture we see the entity known as the Beast Tamer.

In this picture, the Warrior is actually fighting the Beast Tamer.

Here is the first screen shot of the playable class: The Archer.

It doesn't show much, but the textbox talks about how the Guyver game has five different engines.

In this picture we see the Guyver launching a Heavy Blast, or as us Guyver fans call it: The Pressure Cannon.

                          A short but sweet picture of the Guyver jumping over a power-up item.

Captus New Tonight at 9

At 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time, I will be giving some Captus news. I'll be talking about some changes to the game and a very possible release date. I will be showing some screen shots of combat and some layouts. I'll also be talking about each character. Though they don't have names, they do have personality, which adds more to gameplay. There will be alot said about Captus tonight.

Most likely I'll be giving some extra information about the Guyver video game and talking about my future as a game developer. All of this info will be in the form of a Q&A, so it'll be easy to understand. Stay tuned!